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Interpreting your wellness score
Interpreting your wellness score

Learn how to interpret your thymia wellness score, reflecting daily changes in stress, burnout and fatigue against benchmarks.

Written by thymia experts
Updated over 2 months ago

How should I interpret my score?

The thymia wellness score is a summary of your current levels of stress, burnout, and fatigue and is benchmarked against people of the same demographic. Tracking these scores provides insights into how your mental wellness fluctuates over time. thymia’s Journey feature allows you to see a timeline of past scores, helping you understand trends and patterns in your mental wellness.

What does my score mean?

The scores are presented as percentiles. For example, a score of 60 means that you have a mental wellness score that is higher than 59% of people in your peer group. If you have a score of 100 then your mental wellness level would be higher than 99% of people in your peer group.

To learn more about what your score means, click here.

Voice Calibration

The mental wellness checker personalises your experience by learning and recognising your unique voice from previous wellness checks. To unlock Voice Calibration, complete 5 checks within a two-week period. This process allows the AI to adapt to your specific voice patterns and nuances, which in turn enhances the accuracy and effectiveness of the wellness checks.

Why does my score change over time?

Just as our mood and energy levels change day-to-day (and also within the same day), we know that mental wellness is fluid and varies over time (e.g., Sliwinski et al., 2016). This means that we recognise that it is completely normal for your score to fluctuate and move around between wellness checks. In order to minimise that fluctuation, complete wellness checks daily around the same time.

To learn more about thymia's optimal practices, click here.

Remember that your mental wellness score is tied to your stress, burnout and fatigue scores and so as they fluctuate between days and within the same day, so too will your mental wellness score. Though fluctuations are to be expected and normal, it is useful to keep an eye out for trends over time. A change in trend is noticing whether your scores are consistently becoming higher or lower.

What can I do with my score?

Your current mental wellness score is a snapshot of your overall wellbeing. Your score can help you reflect, validate and motivate and provide a resource to explain to other people how you are feeling. There are no wrong answers to how you interpret your score. We encourage you to use the wellness score as a new lens of general wellbeing and to keep track of your scores over time.

Reflection: A chance to reflect on different behaviours and emotions that may play a role in your wellbeing and to enhance self-awareness.

Validation: When things are not going as well as they could be, the wellness check can feel validating of a gut feeling you’ve had, helping to also identify which aspects of your mental wellness might be driving this. Keep in mind that the wellness checks are just an extra piece of information, and don't provide a complete picture of your life. Only you know exactly how you are feeling and why.

Motivation: A drive to make proactive changes to improve your wellness or to observe the positive impact of activities you are already doing (tips for activity).

Most importantly, please remember to be kind to yourself when thinking about your wellness scores. Although it may be disheartening if scores are lower than we would like, many factors can act as barriers to dealing with stress such as mental or physical health conditions, discrimination, a reduced social support network, caretaker responsibilities, housing or financial difficulties (Mind UK).

Final note:

If you are at all concerned about your mental health and wellbeing or anything you see in the wellness checker we recommend you contact a healthcare provider or a mental health professional.

Within the UK and EU, you can also call the Samaritans by dialling 116 123.

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